Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Answered Prayers - Travel Call and Court Date!

Photo courtesy of the fabulous Hyperbole and a Half.
So yeah, that up there ^^^^^^^ is a pretty accurate description of how Mr. C and I felt today when we got the news that we finally had a c.ourt date to meet our son in K*re.a!  I swear I did an actual happy crazy dance!

I thought I'd put up a timeline for those wondering; so you could see how our process has been in case you've been following along but not entirely sure of what was going on - ha!  (That was ME most days!)

Our Timeline

May 22, 2011: Sign on with adop.tion agency

October 18, 2012: Receive referral (match) with our son born December of 2011

July 2013: Complete newly required "2nd acceptance packet" (aka: a dossier)

August 2013: Submitted for em.igr*tion pe.rm*t

November 2013: em.igr*tion pe.rm*t approved!

December 2013: Submitted to court

April 8, 2014: C*urt date issued for May

May 16, 2014: C*urt date

That's a very simplified  version of the process.  There's been lots of hiccups and bumps along the way, but suffice it to say that we are here now; and we couldn't be more grateful to know that in a month we will be HOLDING our son in real life!  It's a moment we've both been longing for.

I will not be posting too much more on here until Baby C is home; because it is the prudent thing to do.  But, I wanted to update you all who have followed my story about today's fantastic news!

Thanks for following along and supporting us!  I look forward to writing more when my son is home for good. :-)
