Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Answered Prayers - Travel Call and Court Date!

Photo courtesy of the fabulous Hyperbole and a Half.
So yeah, that up there ^^^^^^^ is a pretty accurate description of how Mr. C and I felt today when we got the news that we finally had a c.ourt date to meet our son in K*re.a!  I swear I did an actual happy crazy dance!

I thought I'd put up a timeline for those wondering; so you could see how our process has been in case you've been following along but not entirely sure of what was going on - ha!  (That was ME most days!)

Our Timeline

May 22, 2011: Sign on with adop.tion agency

October 18, 2012: Receive referral (match) with our son born December of 2011

July 2013: Complete newly required "2nd acceptance packet" (aka: a dossier)

August 2013: Submitted for em.igr*tion pe.rm*t

November 2013: em.igr*tion pe.rm*t approved!

December 2013: Submitted to court

April 8, 2014: C*urt date issued for May

May 16, 2014: C*urt date

That's a very simplified  version of the process.  There's been lots of hiccups and bumps along the way, but suffice it to say that we are here now; and we couldn't be more grateful to know that in a month we will be HOLDING our son in real life!  It's a moment we've both been longing for.

I will not be posting too much more on here until Baby C is home; because it is the prudent thing to do.  But, I wanted to update you all who have followed my story about today's fantastic news!

Thanks for following along and supporting us!  I look forward to writing more when my son is home for good. :-)



  1. Hooray!!! What an amazing day and what an amazing month this will be as you prepare to hold your son in your arms for the very first time. Couldn't be more excited for you!

  2. Yay!!!! So happy for you two and I can't wait to hear more when he gets home with his family!

  3. This is the best news I've read all week - maybe all month! I'm so thrilled for all of you! I hope the next month goes quickly for you, but I'm sure it won't feel quick enough to you and Mr. C. :)
