Saturday, May 12, 2012


Last year, I was definitely in a different place in regards to my feelings on Mother's Day.  I wrote this blog about the hurt I and so many infertile women feel from time to time about the holiday.

Oh what a difference one year can make!  There will probably always be a bit of my heart that remains broken from this infertility journey.  I can't wipe the truth away, but I can begin to mend...and I think I have.

This adoption has truly saved my sanity in a sense.  I'm still bitter at times that my body didn't give me a choice in this process, but I'm smart enough to know that I am greatly blessed to have the ability to adopt a precious child who will need me as much as I need him.

And then there is my own mother...

Mom at our apartment in Zion before heading to clinic.
I am BEYOND GRATEFUL that I get to celebrate another Mother's Day with her.  There was a time last fall when I wondered if I would, and it was the most terrifying time of my life.  I owe her everything - she stayed at home to be with my two younger sisters and myself while we grew up, and she encouraged us to be who we were meant to be and do what we loved.  There was never a distance too far for her to travel to make sure we had what we needed to succeed in life, and she would do anything for her children, husband, family, and friends.

Her stem cell transplant is set to take place on May 23rd, and we're throwing her a party on the stem cell unit floor.  I am so glad I get to be a part of her "rebirthday", and I look forward to celebrating many more with her.

I hope I can be as good of a mother to Des as she was (and is!) to me.  I am such a blessed daughter to have her in my life.

So, to all of you moms out there:

pregnant moms

first-time moms-to-be

foster moms

adoptive moms

first/birth moms

surrogate moms

egg donor moms

pet/fur moms

those who choose to not be moms but still have mom-hearts for others' kiddos

those who are hoping against hope that they get to be moms one day


grandmoms/great-grandmoms/great-great-grandmoms and so on :-)

single moms

widowed moms

stay at home/work from home/work in and out of the home moms

granola moms/preppy moms/artsy moms/just trying to get by moms

moms who have experienced a loss (or more) whether in the womb or of an adult child

older moms/younger moms

teacher "moms"

Whoever you are...wherever you are...however you are a "mom"...I want to wish you a FABULOUS Mother's Day!  And I want you to know that God sees your heart.  He knows every selfless, loving act of kindness.  I believe great blessings come to those like you.  So know on this special day that you are loved and cherished and greatly prized.

Blessings and Much Love to ALL of You,


  1. Congrats on you being on your way to mommyhood! I'm just now coming back to my blog after a long break, so happy for you

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