Friday, September 25, 2009

Adventures in Crafty-Land

Okay, so I grew up in a household full of crafty women.  My mother sews and is pretty much fabulous at anything crafty and sew-y that she even attempts.  I, however, never really seemed to cash in on those "fabricreative"genes!

But, when I saw this cute, little plush doll pattern by Black Apple (visit her store here:; I decided to brave it out and try to make one for Baby C.

This is the picture that I first saw on Martha Stewart's website (

I thought, "Wow, how cute!  And easy-looking, right?"  Maybe I'm just naive, but tomorrow I'm going to venture out to get some fabric to make this little beauty-cutie!  I'm going to try to make her look the way I think Baby C will look one day.  I don't know, guys, this might just make me cry!  Our agency was saying that you can send a "toddler care package" to your future child in the orphanage in Ethiopia (clothes, a camera, and toys); so, I just keep thinking about being able to send this to her one day in that package!  It gives me goose-bumps!

Apparently, this pattern is very popular.  I found tons and tons of precious little Black Apple Doll cuties all over the Internet.  Here are some pictures of a few of my favorites (I'm sorry, I have no idea where I found them; so, if the photo belongs to you, please let me know; and I'll give you credit, otherwise, just know that I think you're fabulous!).

Adorable, right?!  I think so.  I'll let you all know how it goes; wish me luck! :)

Blessings and More Blessings,


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