Sunday, September 27, 2009

Adventures in Crafty-Land: Part Deux

Well, it hasn't been easy.  It hasn't even been that pleasant - ha!  But I have officially completed the first of  Baby C's Black Apple dolls!

Unfortunately, my sewing machine is put away in a box since we're moving soon; but I think tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and bust that bad boy back out, because, honestly, sewing this doll by hand was a major pain in the back side!

To top it all off, when I printed out the pattern, I couldn't get it to enlarge the suggested 150%.  So, my doll ended up being quite tiny, roughly the length of my hand (and my hands are small!) - no more than 6" from head to toe!  Not really what I had planned! :(  But, that's why I bought enough fabric to make two dolls, right?!

So, tomorrow I'll try again; but in the meantime, I'll share with you my less than fabulous Black Apple Dollie.  However, I keep wondering if Scottie will notice or even care that I messed up; she'll probably love having a doll all of her own and close to her size.  So, I'm probably worrying over nothing!

Inside out...almost done!

"Hooray, I'm alive!"  I love her over-sized button and Aunt Grace fabric; but there's a LOT to be desired in my execution! :(  Maybe the second time will be a charm???  I hope to send this to Baby C one day in her toddler care package in Ethiopia; maybe she'll see beyond the poor craftsmanship to the love that really was in each stitch!

Good luck to any and all of you who are attempting this project!  Hopefully, it will go much more smoothly than my first attempt!

Blessings and More Blessings,

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