Friday, August 31, 2012

Pictures from Cancer Battlefield, Part 16: Dad's 54th Birthday or Every Holiday but One

Wednesday, we celebrated dad's 54th birthday.  This means our family celebrated EVERY holiday that a year has to offer here at the CTCA except one: our 4th anniversary on October 18th.

Everything from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years to Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day and Easter...they were all spent here this past year.  All the birthdays too - from Whitney's in November to dad's here just Wednesday...  It reminds me of the song from the musical "Rent" when they ask how you measure your this case, I suppose we could measure in holidays and birthday celebrations...and the fact that we even got to celebrate mom's in February was a miracle to be marked in and of itself.  God has been so good to us.

I am not complaining; I'm really not.  I know that this journey here in Zion has changed my entire family for the better.  We are so much stronger and more grounded in God's word than ever before.  And what could possibly shake us now?  Nothing.  We know how to let God be in control (as He always was) and let go of our own naive ideas of "want" and "need".

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds; because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work; so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:2-4 (NIV) 

We've been saying for a long while now how God only allows trials and tribulations for one of two reasons: to correct or to perfect.  I know this to be true.  We were corrected along this journey many times, but more importantly, we were perfected; so that when the time comes, we will be ready, willing, and able to stand up and shout His glory to the world.

Oh, and I almost forgot...........Mom WALKED yesterday!  Yep, she WALKED, folks!  This is a HUGE step in her healing process.  Once she can walk unassisted, she will be allowed to go out-patient; and beyond that, her numbers are so good, she will probably go home (that's right, actually back home to Iowa) soon after that!

So many blessed can one family be?

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks:

Mom and one of our favorite members of the housekeeping staff, Connie.  She brought mom that little jewelry box back from Mexico a week ago when she went to visit her family.  SO NICE!

Mom and her nurse, Raul.  He was her first night nurse ever, and he always calls mom "his baby".  He's so sweet!

Dad opening cards.

Dad ready to dive into his cake from his employees back home in Iowa.
Big bunch of balloons (alliteration city!) from all of us.
Dad and his Bob the Builder cake from the family.  Chocolate with raspberry filling - YUM!

Love and Blessings to you all...hopefully next time I post I'll have pictures of mom walking, maybe even a video!


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