Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Truly Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!  Thanks for the strength and guidance and protection and hope and love and nurturing you rain down upon kiddos everywhere!  Dads are so important, and sometimes in this mommy-centric world, I think we tend to forget just how big your roles really are to the children you love and love you back. 

You are the rising sun.  You are the hero.  You are the safety zone.  You are the ladder.  You are the compass.  Without you, there is an unavoidable whole in a little one's heart.

So, thank you to all of you dads out there who didn't run, who are proud and stand tall and take initiative and look foolish with love for your kids or those you love like your own kids.  You make me smile and give me hope for the future.

And HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to the two very special men above (sorry, they never pose for a proper picture, argh!) - my dad and Mr. C.

No matter how far-fetched and wild our dreams, my father has always supported what my sisters and I have reached for in our lives.  He has been a constant source of guidance and is one of our biggest cheerleaders.  He has always expected a lot from us in every aspect of our lives, but has been the first to be forgiving and instructive when we've messed up or gotten off track.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Mr. C is the kindest person I know; he is always thinking about others.  His beautiful heart is most definitely going to make him an excellent father to Baby C; this is one lucky kiddo!  It's hard to believe as I write this, but this is our LAST Father's Day without our wee one (at least, without knowing who they are, etc.).  I cannot wait to see Mr. C embrace daddyhood; he's going to be a natural.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Yellow/Turquoise/Black and White Nursery Update

While Mr. C and I were home for two weeks back in April/May before mom's transplant, we did our best to add some things to Baby C's nursery.  It's hard for me at times, because I feel as though our entire planning process has been entirely muddled and our energies (obviously) spent in other areas.

I had an idea that this nursery was going to be amazing, bright, modern, and fun - a complete sanctuary of pure kid pleasure that any little one would LOVE spending time exploring and creating in.  But since we've been so back and forth, it hasn't really worked out like that.

We are both really looking forward to being able to devote some real time and energy to the decor in this room.  In the meantime, here's a look at what we got done while home last time.

We added the little book/toy shelf, but soon we are adding a whole wall of book shelves; so it will soon hold only toys.  The soft "tubs" are in bright teal; although on here it looks like a darker blue.

The "Alphabet City" print won't stay perched on top of the shelves, but will be hung above it.  I just wanted to get an idea of what it would look like.

Trying to decide whether to put this wall decal on the kiddos' level below the window or not.  It says, "In my world, everyone's a pony; and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies. -Dr. Suess".  We LOVE it!

Some random artwork that we are going to hang on the wall  above the changing table/dresser.

Close up of two of the prints we bought from ReStyle Shop on Etsy.

This rocker used to be mine when I was little.  Can't decide whether to paint over it, or just leave it as it is and maybe put it in the living room.

I designed this for Desmond's (Baby C) nursery a while ago.  Mr. C did the hard work of interpreting my basic sketches into a true work of art; then, we had it printed on wrapped canvas.  It's a quote from Cervantes which says, "Faint heart never won fair lady."  I love the idea of Des being a chivalrous, little gentleman knight. :-)

Obviously, we still have A LOT of work to do; but I think it's starting to get there...

Love and Blessings,