Friday, March 23, 2012

Pictures from the Cancer Battlefield, Part 10: The End is in Sight!

The end is in sight, my friends!  Mom starts her LAST "round A" chemo on Monday!  After that, she has "round B", then.....................................TRANSPLANT!!!!!! 

It's hard to imagine how far we've come since November.  At times, I feel as though I've lived an alternate lifetime here.  There have been moments I felt the wind knocked out of me - I couldn't breath/think, times I thought my heart was stopping from grief and worry...seconds I was sure my whole world was whirling about me while I stood mute and frozen, totally unable to move or scream or cry or do anything positive about my circumstances...only to realize so blatantly that God alone has the power to do that and that He does and that He wants to - He wants to help and heal and save.  A lesson so powerful, it's worth a few months in a cancer center to fully and truthfully comprehend.

There have been days I felt so alone and scared, and then my good Abba father would send in comrades and so much love and support from the most unlikely of places at times that my spirit has been beyond humbled.  I am so blessed.  My life is forever changed by this experience - for the BETTER. 

Sometimes you have to walk through fire to burn the unnecessary bits of life's excess off of your soul - I have, I AM, doing that here.  I know what's important.  I know WHO'S important.  God has helped me to trust Him in ways I NEVER thought possible - what sweet release!  I have witnessed out-right miracles.  I have been privy to things that look like nothing, seem so insignificant; but to those who know, who really understand, it is understood that they are the flipped switches that turn dark to light...death to life.

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks...only a few more to go - hooray!

One day when mom was out-patient, we took her to Gurnee Mills to shop for scrapbooking supplies at Archiver's.
I just love the juxtaposition of the bag of blood lying on top of the Apples to Apples.
Dad and mom at Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
Sean and I at Five Guys.
Our friend, Neil, and mom sporting their matching Angry Birds hats made by Karen Blakely.
Mom resting in out-patient clinic while getting a blood transfusion.
Karen Blakely made this for our friend Vince - it looks awesome on him!
This is what happens when you have a super low blood platelet level and you pull your shower shield off too quickly. *sad face*
Sean and I at the Waukegan public beach.
Mom couldn't get out of the van to walk on the beach with us (too cold and dirty), but she waved at us from nearby.
View of the Lake Michigan from the Waukegan Harbor.
Mom and I at Emily's Pancake House.  This place has the BEST breakfasts ever, and I LOVE when mom feels up to going there to eat!
Mom and her fellow stem cell patient, Andy.  He got to leave for home today weeks EARLY post-transplant!  We're so happy for him!

I wish you and yours lots of love and peace,