Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pictures from the Cancer Battlefield, Part 4

I don't know if you've heard, but......................................................

MOM'S IN REMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctors said it would take 3 rounds of treatment, but it only took ONE!  If you're doubting that God is real in the world today or if he still answers prayers, my mother is LIVING proof that he does!  He cares for YOU.  He is YOUR Jehovah Rapha - the God who HEALS - and he wants to heal YOU just like he healed mom.

So, what's next?  Well, it's on to the bone marrow transplant.  Right now, mom's blood is being checked against a registry that is WORLD-WIDE; but there is also going to be a special "donor drive" in my parents' hometown of Fairfield, Iowa.  At this "donor drive" those who wish to be tested to see if they are a match for mom, but not necessarily wanting to be added to the world-wide donor registry can do so.  I DO NOT have all of this information yet; but I WILL post it as soon as I receive it.

First off, the transplant team would like anyone interested to visit Be the Match before even being tested.  It outlines and explains the testing process, what happens if you are a match, and how the transplant will take place.  PLEASE read what it has to say!  Donating bone marrow can cause some people pain (others say they feel nothing), but we would never want someone to get "in over their head" or feel as if they were misled about the process.  So, please, read through the process and see if you feel comfortable being tested.

I want to say right now how amazingly grateful we are to all who get tested and all who are already on the list!  Someone out there is going to save my mom's life.  Because of you, she will get to meet her grandchildren, retire to do what she loves (art and crafting), and travel to Ireland to see where her biological mother and family lived.  You are giving us all the gift of decades and decades to come of happiness and love and joy and memories.  You are letting me keep my mom here to help me through the process of becoming a mom myself.  


I will never be able to say it enough...........words are so insufficient.

All that said, I couldn't leave this post without some pictures.  Mom took charge last night and shaved her head.  She was dreading this; but we're all so proud that she over-came her fears and insecurities and just shaved it all at once!  At the moment, though, she doesn't want people seeing her without hair; so, there are no pictures of that in here...maybe next time I'll get to show you how awesome she looks (seriously, she's got a real Sinead O'Connor thing going on - it RAWKS!).  But for's some pictures of what hope looks like:

Mom with the quilt Judy Hinshaw, Trudy Oliver, and Jacque Liebe made her - so cool!  SO nice of them!  It has Bible verses on the front, and an Irish blessing on the back - PERFECT for her!
Me, Mr. C, W, dad, and mom before shaving her head!
My pins...peach for uteran and lime green for lymphoma/leukemia.
Balloons and silk flowers from Josh and Brandy Coffin - thanks guys, she LOVES them! :-)
Mom's donated hat!  Tons of knitters and crocheters make hats for those who have lost hair due to chemotherapy.  If you would like to donate a hat (or two!) yourself, visit CTCA to get information about how to do so.  They are MUCH appreciated!
That's all for this "edition".  If you would like to stand in agreement with us that the perfect bone marrow donor will be found QUICKLY, we would VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IT!  Thank you.  And please know, when I say "thank you", it really means I would bear hug you if I could; but I can', just please know, we appreciate anything and all that you can and are doing for mom - from prayers to letters to flowers to being tested to see if you're a match.  We just love and appreciate you!  God is seeing all of your powerful faithfulness and is following through on his promises.  And believe me, whatever you do for one person will be rained down upon you ten-fold!  Your blessings will make you BLESSED!  So.......thank you.

All the Love in the Universe,


  1. Wonderful news! I'm so relieved and happy to hear that your mom's cancer is in remission. I'll be praying that a donor is found quickly.

    I asked to be put on a bone marrow donor registry many, many years ago, but never heard anything from them again. I should look into it. I might need to register again.

    Much love to all of you!

  2. Such amazing news!!! God is good :)

  3. I was diagnosed with PCOS and premature ovarian failure three years ago, and was told by my fertility doctor that I had little hope of having any baby, not only because of my relatively old age (I am 42). I had pretty much given no hope and had nothing to strive or opt for. As a last effort, my mother bought me Priest Babaka pregnancy herbal supplement and i drink it exactly as instructed 2 times daily and found myself holding a positive home pregnancy test in less than 4 weeks and 7days . It has been the greatest gift I have EVER received and a true life changer. Thanks to your supplement I am on the road to becoming a mother and I owe it all to you. " Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for your help..for inquiring or to order contact via email : or Facebook at priest.babaka
