Friday, November 25, 2011

Pictures from the Cancer Battlefield, Part 2

Mom and one of her fabulous nurses checking her IV drips.
Cafeteria.  The food here is really pretty amazing - NOT your average hospital food.
It was Whitney's 24th birthday on Monday.  Some of the stem cell unit nurses came in and sang "Happy Birthday" to her and gave her a HUGE, delicious slice of cake covered in whipped topping, raspberries, and blueberries - so nice!
Mom's ward on the 4th floor.  Everyone has to foam in, and then foam out.  No germs allowed!
Christmas tree in the lobby.
Light trees in the atrium.
Trees stuffed in every corner, everywhere.
My favorite, little buddy in the fish tank downstairs.  He literally follows you when you walk from side to side - neatest fish ever!
Beautiful "flowers" from Patti Balderson. <3
Tiffany and Kelly Cass' oldest, Kohen, colored this for mom.  He's so cute, and he did a really good job!
Letters and cards from friends and family - mom has REALLY enjoyed hearing from people.
Christmas tree right outside of mom's door in the stem cell unit.
Christmas tree in the cafeteria - so pretty!
Mom's room has the best view!  The ducks, geese, and seagulls are always out and very busy - fun to watch!
Mom got platelets, potassium, and IV fluids today.
Yes, we do!
Brianne and Travis Johnson's boys, Tyler and Isaac, sent mom some "angry birds" with some cards - mom LOVED these!  The Johnson's go to Faith Christian Outreach Church in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa with mom, dad, and W.
Mom sleeping with her CTCA bear.  They gave her a "goodie" bag full of nice things: a bear; a fluffy, white robe; bath necessities, etc.
Mom has really enjoyed reading mail from people.  If you'd like to send her a letter or card, even if you don't know her, she'd really LOVE it!  You can mail her here:

Kerry Hickenbottom
c/o Cancer Treatment Center of America
Midwest Regional Medical Center
Stem Cell Unit, Room #5
2520 Elisha Ave.
Zion, IL 60099

Thank you for the prayers and standing with us firmly on God's promises.  God is working miracles in mom's body, and we are watching it happen every day - every day BETTER and BETTER.  Please continue to stand with us and mom in prayer and thanks.  We love and appreciate you all!

All the Love in the World,

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love you Ms. Kerry~~Prayers for a complete recovery and less pain, while the recovery comes!!! The Lord is Good and He will Suffice~His loving arms, may they be wrapped around you and may you feel his warmth like a blanket covering you!! Miracles can and do happen and you are and will be a testimony for what God CAN and WILL DO!!! Our God is an Awesome God~~Believe and you shall RECEIVE! LOVE & MANY BLESSINGS, Patti B
