Wednesday, October 26, 2011


October 18th, 2008. Mr. C and I walking to the theater (that's right, theater!) to get married.  It was a perfect day that I will NEVER forget.

I am obviously late (an ENTIRE week late, actually) in writing this; but Mr. C and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary on the 18th.  While we didn't get to go do anything particularly romantic, this was probably one of the most important anniversaries of our lives; because this anniversary made us officially eligible to adopt.  HOORAY!

Mr. C and I at the post office dropping our first big round of paperwork in the mail - exciting day!

Instead of some big, fancy dinner or tickets to see a show, we decided to drive from my parents' house in Iowa (where my mom had just had surgery), to the nearest Ikea store (this was our first visit to one EVER, by the way!) - 4 hours away.  It was a LOOOOOONG day but totally worth it.  We got a TON of things for the house and nursery that we really needed and wanted to get done before the the home study officially began; so, it worked out perfectly.

Mr. C in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, the only two photos we took at Ikea of ourselves were while eating - oops!
Me snarfling some of those famous meatballs (I know people make fun of them, but they were actually pretty good!).

So, there it is...three years.  I am so blessed to have a man like Mr. C in my life.  He always goes above and beyond for me - always.  He is selfless and kind and compassionate.  Everyone who meets him loves him, because his huge heart full of love just radiates out from his soul and everyone notices.  He's brilliant.  He's sexy.  He's funny.  He's my soul-mate.  We are twin souls, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world!

Thank you, God, for sending me this wonderful person to walk through life with; he is going to be the most amazing father ever.

Blessed Beyond Compare,


  1. You're such a cute couple! Happy (belated) anniversary!

    P.S. LOVE the red wedding shoes.
