Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guest Blogging and Beyond

First, I need to update everyone on here and say that yesterday, on 18 DPO, Aunt Flo finally decided to show up.  I didn't cramp at all; so, I didn't suspect I was going to start, yet here she is.  Yes, I'm disappointed - as usual - but it's okay.  This was by far the longest luteul phase of my life; so, that's an accomplishment in and of itself.

Next, I need to remind you to head over to Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed all this week to check out the fabulous guest bloggers that Keiko tapped to write for PCOS Awareness Month.  I will be featured tomorrow (not saying that I'm one of the "fabulous guest bloggers", just saying I'll be featured along with them) talking about my diagnosis, western medicine treatment, and finally my journey down the natural path to control my symptoms and better my life and health.

It's so important to me to share my experience with others who might not even realize they have PCOS.  If what I've been through can save or change just one life, it will have been worth it all.

That's all for today, dear readers.  Have lovely days wherever you are in the world!


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