Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy 100th, Lucy!

I know it has nothing to do with PCOS or TTC or anything of the sort, BUT I just had to say "Happy Birthday" to a woman who has made me laugh...and cry (mostly because I was laughing so hard I started to cry!) - Lucille Ball.

When I was younger, I wanted to be an actress; and Lucy was the epitome of funny to me, a real class act, the grand dame of comedy.  Here was a woman who was breathtakingly beautiful (look at that picture above, folks!  red-heads don't get any lovelier than that! hot mama!) and funny as hell.  She was a smart and savvy business woman, and she boldly went where no [wo]man had gone before (hello, being the first woman to be pregnant on TV and the first to share ONE bed with her real-life husband and co-star instead of the two twin beds usually shown during that era, very ballsy, Ms. Ball!!!).

Lucy was one tough cookie, but she was sweet and sexy too.  She could fall on her ass and leave you rolling on the floor with laughter; but the next minute you would be awe-struck at how frickin' gorgeous she was.  Talent talent TALENT!!!!

I am so incredibly sad that I never got to fulfill my dream of performing (or just hanging out!) with my idol; but I think one day we'll have an awful lot of chatting to do up in heaven (after all, she's "got some 'splainin' ta do")!

So, here's to you, Lucy.  Happy 100th, were the funniest of them all!


1 comment:

  1. Nhiều chị em thắc mắc những cách chăm sóc da cho bà bầu ra sao, vì khi trong thời kỳ mang thai da bắt đầu sạm đi và rạn nứt, những mẹ bầu lo lắng thai nhi bị suy dinh dưỡng nên ăn gì và những thực phẩm nào là cần thiết, bà bầu nên ăn gì vào mùa thu khi mà cái nóng đang nhẹ dịu thì có những thực phẩm nào thích hợp, bà bầu có nên ăn hồng xiêm không vì hồng xiêm có lợi cho sức khỏe nhưng ăn nhiều sẽ bị nóng, bà bầu xông có được không là thắc mắc của nhiều người, vì xông giúp giải cảm nhưng có thể ảnh hưởng đến thai nhi.
