Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Construction Plate and Utensil Set

I'm always putting the "cart before the horse" when it comes to baby and kids things.  Heck, I had a nursery built into our new house and painted it a fun yellow (for either gender), filled it with kids "stuff" (books, toys, shelves, etc.), and I do believe I have at least three boxes of diapers sitting lonely and sad in the nursery closet.  Yeah, I'm one of those women.  I don't know, maybe buying baby things gives me hope that one day I will, indeed, have the reason behind needing all of those items.  Or maybe I'm just a glutton for emotional punishment.

Anyway, I am always looking for cute and interesting new baby items.  It doesn't matter if it's clothes, furniture, toys, or what have you - I've got my eyes open and I'm on the prowl!

Today, Mr. C found the most ADORABLE plate set I've seen in a while, all centered around construction equipment.  SO CUTE!  I just had to share this with you all!

Isn't this construction plate and utensil set (sold separately) from Neato Shop so well...NEAT?!  I think so!  What boy (or rough and tumble little girl) wouldn't clear their plate when it's as cool as this?!

Cheers to Constructive Eating!


  1. Hi Mandie. This is your ... cousin-in-law(?) Or more appropriately your hubby's cousin. We haven't actually met before, but I came across your blog via Twitter's suggestion that I follow you and I ended up here.

    What an incredible story you have documented. Just amazing. You guys are in my prayers.

  2. Thanks. This is the worst thing I've ever had to write, but I do feel as though I HAVE to write it. Not just for my own cathartic purposes, but also for all of many thousands of couples who are struggling with infertility like we are as the world goes on ignoring this extremely hurtful plague that affects more people than most could ever imagine.
