Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Time is Here (Well, Almost!)

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year.  Since being married in 2008, I've really tried to get my Christmas tree out and decorated so we can enjoy it for as long as possible. 

With the move this year, I just didn't know if I'd feel like putting up Christmas decorations when we still have boxes of shoes and home office stuff to unpack and organize.  BUT, it turns out I had the energy and gumption to do it last night!

The mood was right...I turned on one of my sister Whitney's Christmas mixes on the iPod (she's notorious for loving Christmas music and always has a new Christmas music mix she makes each year), I turned the living room lights down low, and I got to decorating!

I only got the tree up and decorated, but I'm hoping to make some snowflakes with my sister, Michaela's Cricut Expression Personal Electronic Cutter 290300 to hang from our 20-foot ceiling!  I hope it turns out cool, those Cricuts are sooooo awesome!  My mom and sister both have them, and they've come in so handy for scrapbooking and decorating all year round.

Here's some pix of our tree this year:

Christmas tree up in the living room!  We really need to get a star or something for the top this year!  Any suggestions?
I had to have Mr. C help hang ornaments on the higher up branches.
Eagan was there to help.  Such a nice dog!
I just keep thinking that by next Christmas, it's very likely that Baby C will be here!  Wow!  I seriously cannot wait!  Every day we get closer.

Speaking of Baby C, here's a little update on the process:  We have one (yep, only ONE) of the three doctor's notes needed.  I'm assuming it's because we asked for the letters in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving; so, they were busy and traveling.  However, I'm hoping that now that Thanksgiving is over, they'll get the letters to us!  *fingers crossed*  As soon as we get those letters, we have only two more things to do before we are essentially done with everything but the home study and our finger printing/FBI clearances.  Woo hoo!

More to come...

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