Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home Study Agency: Check!

Well, that's one giant check off of my list today!  After fretting about what home study agency we were going to sign on with, it all went rather smoothly - hooray!

We decided to go with Lutheran Family & Children's Services of Missouri out of Springfield.  They're close, friendly, right on target price-wise; plus, Gladney already has a long-standing relationship with working with their agencies nation-wide.  What a relief!  I had been dreading the seemingly endless list of social work and adoption agencies that provide home studies, but God truly lead my head and heart yesterday and today!  I am grateful!

Another plus, was that after digging around the house a bit, we realized that we have nearly all of the documentation needed for the I-600A form (the form that is cleared by the US government that will allow our child to come back into the US with us after s/he is adopted) - woo hoo!  The home study will be the last piece of the puzzle for that document; so, the faster things go with Lutheran Family Services, the faster things will go with USCIS and Gladney!

I feel as though God has truly had an active part in this process so far, even being in these very early stages.  Everything has gone smoothly (something we were/are not expecting) and everyone (thus far) has been beyond kind, compassionate, and helpful.  We are being blessed left and right!  God is so good!

Hope you're having a wonderful day in your part of the world!

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