Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Phone Calls AND "I Love My Hair"!

Exciting day!  Yesterday marked Mr. C and my 2nd anniversary!  Wooo!  Time flies when you're in love! ;-)

Then, this morning, bright and early after a loooooooong and tiring 8-day journey to Iowa and back, we had our orientation meeting with Gladney staffer Judy H.  She was so helpful and full of good information and suggestions.  While the amount of paperwork needed to fulfill our dossier (the massive bundle of private and public information about Mr. C and myself that will accompany our request to adopt form to Ethiopia) is daunting and even a little frightening; we know it will all be worth  it when we're holding our precious new baby in our arms.  "Keep your eyes on the prize", so to speak!

We've got lots to do: getting our home study in order, filling out final adoption requests with Gladney, finding friends and co-workers who are willing to fill out background information questionnaires on Mr. C and myself, deciding on god-parents, etc.  So, I'm going to get to work; BUT, I heard about this super cute new Sesame Street Muppet that sings a song to all the little brown girls and boys out there who are having issues with not loving their hair so much.

Mr. C and I have been doing TONS of research on African hair and skincare routines; and we have decided, quite ardently, that we absolutely do NOT feel comfortable pouring harmful chemicals on our child's hair to make it supposedly "more manageable" for ourselves.  However, we know that we are living in America where (especially for girls) the standards of beauty are often severe and unattainable (ie: Barbie).  So, when I heard this song preaching the glories of natural African hair, I was almost giddy!  Apparently, the head writer at Sesame Street has an adopted daughter from Ethiopia as well - small world, eh?!

You'll have to check it out yourself; but watch out, I swear, it'll get stuck in your head!  Enjoy!

Hope you're having a great day!

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